Restore Your Rug Today!

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Located at:

501 William St, 22401 Fredericksburg, VA

33 years of cleaning rugs in the Fredericksburg area!

Trust Your Rugs With Paymon!

Invest in your oriental rugs with professionals!

33 Years of Quality Work!

Here at Paymon Rug Wash we provide consistent work to satisfy our clients!

Our services.

  • Rug Wash

    From the vast experience gained in handling new, used, traditional, and modern rugs in due course, we understand that each rug requires different treatment and professional care. Our experts examine and assess each individual rug and apply a unique cleaning method to make your rug look its best. Our unique cleaning methods are done entirely by hand to ensure the finest results Deep cleaning process to breath new life into the rug keeping its original properties intact.

  • Rug Appraisal

    You might be wanting to know the resale value of your rug, get a quote for an insurance company or maybe just have knowledge of its current value. While it is obvious that a well-crafted rug, in good condition, will hold a decent value, there are several other factors that determine the rug’s overall value. From analyzing aspects such as the rug origin, color, material, age, weave, design, etc. to assessing the damage caused in case of an accident, our experienced appraisers are adept at providing you the right value.

  • Rug Restoration

    We have extensive knowledge in rugs, their age, origin, durability, and what will be needed to restore them back to their former condition. Our rug restoration processes such as new fringe, patches, analysis of dyes, weaves, or even the customized rug alterations, our expert solutions make sure your revered antique is properly restored. We specialize in: Patching & Reweaving Holes, Color Run, Restoration of Dyes, Low Pile, Moss Damage, Fringe Replacement, Binding Replacement, Custom Rug Alteration and Water Damage.

  • Stain Removal

    Liquid spills, dirty spots, and other tough stains can hamper the appearance of your prized possession. Treatment and removal of stains need an expert approach. We believe that the human hand is gentler on the rug and is better equipped to find flaws within, as compared to a machine. Our traditional methods, which are environment and material friendly, offer effective means to get the rugs rid of those annoying stains. The method employed to clean the rug depends on the type of stain, the rug’s age, condition, durability, and origin.

  • Pet Urine & Odor Removal

    As much as we love our pets, we absolutely hate it when they find it convenient to mess with our rugs, don’t we? To prevent damage, get in touch with an expert immediately. Do not try to use over-the-counter stain removers or opt for baseless remedies as they may end up further damaging the rug. Upon receiving the rug, our experts quickly assess the damage and arrive at the right cleaning methods to be used in restoring the rug’s condition.

  • Rug Deodorizing

    While it’s primarily the aesthetics that make us fall in love with these pieces of art, an unpleasant odor can ruin the experience. Your pet might take a territory of the rug to soil it, a broken water pipe might render it musty or even a batch of unattended bacteria might wreak havoc; the causes might be many but we stand as the one-stop solution. Our cleaning solutions help save and deodorize your dear rugs from the ruins. Taking decisive steps at the right time, our expert team ensures thorough cleaning and treatment of the rug to give it a new lease of life.

Essential Additional Information on Paymon Rug Wash

Established in 1990, Paymon Rug Wash has been a part of the Fredericksburg community for over 30 years and has extensive experience in handling new, used, traditional and modern rugs.

Our professional rug cleaning experts can eliminate tough stains such as:

  • pets

  • food

  • beverages and more

We offer high quality grade solutions to thoroughly clean and restore your rugs. We also provide fringe and binding replacement, restoration of dyes, patching and weaving of holes.

Customer satisfaction is our top priority!

  • "I am in love with my beautiful rug! Check this place out! Highly recommend!"


  • "Staff is very knowledgeable about the product. Huge selection of fine Persian Rugs and tapestry, the biggest I’ve seen in DC, Maryland and Virginia!"


  • "Very professional business. Turn around time for services is exceptional! Wouldn't go anywhere else in Virginia!"

    John R.


At Paymon Rug Wash, we take immense pride in being a family-oriented business—which means we prioritize values, commitment, and personalized service above all else. As a family-owned and operated company, we understand the significance of fostering strong relationships, not only within our team but also with our esteemed customers. Unlike larger corporate entities, at Paymon Rug Wash, our customers are considered essential members of our extended family. We wholeheartedly believe that exceptional service and customer satisfaction form the foundation of any successful business. From the moment you step into our premises, you will experience warmth, personalized attention, and a genuine desire to cater to your needs. Our knowledgeable staff will guide you through our range of services, offering expert advice tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you bring in a treasured family heirloom or a modern decor piece, we treat each rug with the utmost care and respect as if it were our own.